New Homeowners in Ohio List
New Homeowners in Ohio Sample Records
The list you purchase will contain records like the samples listed here:

List Description
At Exact Data we’ll help you build your New Homeowners in Ohio mailing list or email list using targeted geographic and demographic search selects such as ZIP Code, state, household income, dwelling type, and past purchase history. You can also build it yourself using our DIY data widget. Connect with consumers on your list using various services including email campaign services and direct mail services. Our New Homeowners in Ohio mailing list is ideal when you’re looking to find new consumers. Start making connections and build up their interest in your brand quickly.
Connect with the right consumers with our ready-made mailing lists and create powerful campaigns that increase your sales and grow your business. Offering information on over 315M+ consumers, our databases are here to help you build the perfect mailing lists. Compiled from publicly available sources like bill processors, voter registration, and tax assessments, our lists contain tailored information for all your marketing efforts.
Let's Connect
Tell us about yourself and we'll reach out shortly, or call 877.440.3282.
Our Data & Marketing Solutions
At Exact Data, we know that the data you receive is the first step to growing your business. In addition to lists, we offer robust data solutions that will help you form connections with new customers. We’ll help you to pinpoint customer behavioral information so you can make better informed decisions. Or compare your existing list of customers to our database and fill in out-of-date or missing information to make connecting easier than ever.
Then, take your new data a step further with helpful marketing services like email marketing. Start making connections with the consumers on your list immediately using this fast, inexpensive marketing solution from Exact Data.
Fill out the form or call us directly at 877.440.3282.
Methods of Verification on Your List
With Exact Data, you'll have access to a consumer database with over 275 million connections, which are all in compliance with the CAN-SPAM act. Our database is sourced from more than 2,000 places including purchase histories, government records, and website registrations. At Exact Data, we prioritize accuracy by frequently scrubbing our data to ensure everything remains up to date. This is to ensure you’ll get an accurate, targeted mailing list of consumers.
Start creating your own tailored mailing list with Exact Data today. For your free accurate count or quote on an email list, phone list, or mailing list of New Homeowners in Ohio, please fill out the form or call us directly at 877.440.3282.
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Our Data Hygiene Process
Exact Data builds its Business and Consumer databases utilizing hundreds of publicly available sources including public directories, annual reports, real estate and tax assessments, and more. We also invest millions of dollars every year and dedicate hundreds of full-time researchers to ensure our records are kept up to date.
Instant Download
Once you’ve made your purchase, you’ll receive your list within a few hours and have the ability to download it instantly as a .csv file. Your list can be integrated into your CRM application quickly and you can get started with making new connections right away.
Verified Consumer Lead Lists
If you're in search of consumer names, postal addresses, or phone numbers for your upcoming marketing campaign, Exact Data has you covered. Customize the perfect list of prospective customers and target your most likely customers by search selects like geography, income, religion, ethnicity, interests, hobbies, household income, past purchase history, age, dwelling type, and geographic location.
Transparent Usage Rights
Our pricing is always transparent. There are no hidden fees or long-term monthly contracts. We charge the same price regardless of business size or status.
For your free accurate count or quote on an email list, phone list, or mailing list of New Homeowners in Ohio, please fill out the form or call us directly at 877.440.3282.