
Phone Append Services

Is your current database missing phone data? Exact Data will help to locate and add missing home, business, and cell phone numbers to your business or consumer database. We make it easy to optimize your list to see the best results when contacting your customers.

How Do Phone Appends Work?

Exact Data’s append process is completed in two simple steps. First, you provide us with your current database that may include missing home, business or mobile numbers. Using our up-to-date database of nearly 300 million consumer and business contacts, we then take each contact’s name and address from your list (postal or email) and match it to their current phone number.

Home Phone Appends

In general, consumers won’t give out their phone number unless absolutely necessary. This makes it challenging to update a person’s home phone number when they’ve moved or changed their number. This means on your own, it’s rare to have access to many home phone numbers that are up-to-date. Exact Data will help you add home phone numbers to your database, allowing you to reach your consumers with ease.

Cell Phone Appends

Over 96% of Americans own a cell phone, and every day, more are canceling their landline services. By opting to use mobile devices and smartphones, consumers are no longer tied down (literally) to make phone calls from their homes or offices. For businesses hoping to make personalized relationships with their customers, this makes it easier to make connections anytime, anywhere.

Exact Data’s cell phone append service matches the name and address (postal or email) of your customers to their current mobile phone number.

What is a Reverse Phone Append?

You provide us with the phone numbers for your contacts and we backfill any additional information using our database of 230 million consumer contacts and 69 million businesses, including postal and email addresses.

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