Choose from over 70,000 pre-selected audiences, known as Ready-Made Lists, that will help
you reach your target group. Find your ideal audience now!
Find Your Audience
Search over 70,000 custom audiences
Our pre-made lists provide you with targeted contacts in a variety of demographics and firmographic
characteristics. You'll find a wide array of accurate, verified lists that will help you reach your
target group. Find your ideal audience now!
Selecting the right audience is the most important part of any marketing campaign. During the last 20
years, Exact Data has compiled hundreds of millions of consumer and business contacts to provide you
with the most accurate data possible and licensed over 2,000 sources to build and enhance our database.
Exact Data has over 70,000 pre-selected audiences we call Ready-Made Lists (RML). Search by keyword
(above), Geography,
Job Title, SIC Code,
or NAICS Code.