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Email Optimization

Email optimization allows direct marketers to create effective email marketing campaigns that seamlessly integrate with an overall marketing plan. If you’re looking for ideas to optimize your campaign, following best practices developed through experience or email marketing experts is a great place to start. Since email marketing is dynamic, it is important to continuously examine results and make the appropriate changes to enhance success rates. Here’s a few methods to explore for optimizing your campaign:

List Segmentation

List Segmentation allows for more targeted campaigns based on specific geographic, demographic or historical behaviors. Breaking down your list is an important way to incorporate dynamic content and promote specific products and services to an engaged audience.

Avoiding Spam Triggers

The quickest way to lose out on sales is through poor deliverability. By complying with the CAN-SPAM Act and following best practices email deployments, you should be able to optimize your delivery and avoid the junk bin.

A Call to Action

An attention-grabbing headline, a personalized greeting, and a concise message. These three elements of a campaign draw the recipient in, but they still need to be "hooked." Your call to action should incite a potential customer or client to move swiftly – be it a limited time offer, a reward, or another compelling offer. This is your first impression – make it a good one!

Test Your Emails

The only way to truly know the effectiveness of your email campaigns is through testing. One of the most effective methods is the A/B Test, which allows the marketer to compare analytics between the original email deployed to half of your list (A), and a slightly altered email sent to the other half (B). The response rates for the two emails will guide you in your strategy.

Click here to learn more about A/B Testing.

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